RRB NTPC Syllabus and Exam Pattern

The RRB NTPC exam is conducted for the non-technical group in the Indian Railways. The RRB NTPC Exam Pattern consists of

  1. First Stage of CBT
  2. Second Stage of CBT
  3. Typing Test (Skill Test)
  4. Document Verification
  5. Medical Examination
  6. Final Selection
RRB NTPC Exam Pattern
RRB ExamSubjectsMarks
RRB NTPC CBT – 1General Awareness40
General Intelligence and Reasoning30
Quantitative Aptitude30
RRB NTPC CBT – 2General Awareness50
General Intelligence and Reasoning35
The detailed Subject-wise RRB NTPC Syllabus is given below
RRB NTPC Syllabus
Quantitative AptitudeReasoning AbilityGeneral Awareness
Number SystemPuzzleNational and International Current Affairs
DecimalSeating ArrangementGames and Sports
LCM and HCFAnalogiesBooks and Authors
PercentageSyllogismIndian Literature
Ratio and ProportionData SufficiencyCommon Abbreviations
MensurationStatement and ConclusionImportant Government Organizations
Speed, Time and DistanceBlood RelationIndian Polity and Governance
Time and WorkDirection TestInventions
Simple and Compound InterestDecision MakingFamous Personalities (India & International)
Profit and LossCoding-DecodingHistory of India
Elementary AlgebraAlphanumeric SeriesBanking History
Geometry and TrigonometryVenn DiagramsBanking Terms and Organizations
Elementary Statistics Important days & dates
Quadratic Equations General & Life Science
Simplification Physical, Economical & Geographical features of India and World
Upstream and Downstream Basics of Computer
Data Interpretation Indian Art & Culture

NTPC Typing Test

The typing test for the RRB NTPC Exam is a skill-based exam which is of qualifying nature and thus will not be counted towards the final merit list. The candidates should be able to type 30 words per minute (WPM) in English or 25 WPM in Hindi on a personal computer without the aid of any editing and spell checking tools.

Medical Exam

Candidates need to follow a requisite physical fitness test in order to ensure that they are physically fit to carry out Indian Railways duties. Visual Acuity Standard is one of the important criteria of medical fitness of railway staff.

RRB Group D information

RRB Group D Syllabus 2022- Overview
OrganisationRailway Recruitment Board
Exam NameRRB Group D Exam
SubjectsMathematics, GA/Current Affairs/General Science/Reasoning
Mode of ExamComputer-based test
Duration 90 minutes
No. of questions100
Marking Scheme1 Mark for each question
Negative Marking⅓rd mark
Selection Process1. Computer Based Test (CBT-1)
3. Physical Efficiency Test (PET)
4. Document Verification and Medical
Offiicial websitehttps://www.rrbbnc.gov.in/
RRB Group-D CBT-1 Exam Pattern

The examination duration and number of questions for CBT-1 are indicated below:

SubjectsNo. Of QuestionsMarksDuration
General Science252590 Minutes
General Intelligence & Reasoning3030
General Awareness & Current Affairs2020
RRB Group D Syllabus
MathematicsGeneral Intelligence & ReasoningGeneral Awareness & Current AffairsGeneral Science
Number SystemReasoningGeneral Awareness Physics
LCMCoding-DecodingCultureLife Sciences
Ratio & ProportionRelationshipsPersonalities 
Time & DistanceDI & SufficiencyPolitics and any other subject of importance. 
Profit & LossSimilarities & DifferencesCurrent Affairs in Science & Technology 
Geometry & TrigonometryClassifications  
Square RootStatement- Argument & Assumptions  
Calendar & ClockAlphabetical Series  
BODMASMathematical Operations  
HCFVenn Diagram  
Time & WorkDecision Making  
SI- CINumerical Series  
AlgebraAnalytical Reasoning  
Elementary StatisticsDirections  
Age Calculations   
Pipes & Cisterns   

Note : – General Science syllabus under this shall cover questions from the below subject and the level of questions would be 10th standard level (CBSE).